Who loves creating beautiful and user-friendly apps using React with Redux/RTK and Tailwind, written of course in TypeScript for type-checking the code.

bujula iconProjects


My latest projects utilizing a stack of React, Typescript, Next.js
Tailwind, Vercel, styled components.

1. drawing line


A beautifully designed, fully mobile-responsive music player built with the latest tech stack: ReactJS, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. Enjoy a seamless and stylish audio experience on any device.

project video
2. drawing line

Ad Generator

An Angular-based application designed to streamline the creation of Instagram ads. This tool simplifies the process of crafting visually appealing ads, making it easy for users to enhance their social media presence.

project video
3. drawing line


An AI-powered tool that transforms lengthy articles into concise summaries. Built with Tailwind CSS, it offers a sleek, fully responsive design for optimal readability on any device.

project video

lightning iconMy current stack


I constantly like to learn new languages and frameworks, these are some of the languages and frameworks that I know:


  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Next
  • RTKQ/TanStackQuery
  • Angular
  • Jest
  • Playwright
  • Tailwind
  • Styled Components
  • Material UI


  • Node.JS
  • MongoDB


  • Figma
  • Git & Github
  • Storybook

person iconAbout me

person icon

My name is Engiber Lozada, a front-end developer 🖥️ based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Besides my passion for coding and continuous learning, I love enjoying music🎶, diving into a good book📖, or soaking up the sun.☀️.

My dog Max🐶 is my best buddy, and one of my biggest dreams is to swim with whales🐋. If I'm not exploring new frameworks, you'll probably find me chilling by the sea🌊.

about me image